Airbus A319 and A320 nosewheel doors

Thinking about passenger aircraft, most of the times only two names come to mind; Boeing and Airbus. The hugely successful Airbus A320 family is still being built in large numbers, while older aircraft of the type are being dismantled. When the aircraft are dismantled, some rare items become available for decoration. This is also the case for these cool looking nosewheel doors of Airbus A319 and A320s.

Zelda Forever or zebrafish

The letters ZF could trigger you to think of Zelda Forever, zebrafish or zero frequency. They are in fact the last two letters of the registration of the Airbus these doors came from; PT-MZF. Want to say HI? Acquire the green door from VP-BHI. Or, buy PC (former G-EUPC) if you want something next to your desktop computer. Size, weight and decorative value make these doors very attractive to include in your interior (mancave, living, conference room, etc.). The hinges can be removed quite easily, which makes hanging the doors on a wall very straightforward.


  • Authentic items, only nine available
  • Used condition (dents and scratches possible)
  • Size: 50 x 48 x 16 cm
  • Weight: ±6 kg
  • Price: € 265.-
  • Other details on request